최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

1970년대 일본의 보수주의 언론과 한국 인식

Japan s Conservative Media and Perception of South Korea During the 1970s : Focused on 『Shokun (諸君)!』s Articles on South Korea

DOI : 10.24939/KJH.2020.4.51.5
  • 292

The purpose of this study was to analyze articles about South Korea published in 『Shokun!』. First, most of these articles were critical of the liberal camp s perception of South Korea of the time. In other words, the perception of South Korea was framed in Cold War ideology. However, as noted in preceding studies, the articles were not intended to propagate an outright campaign against Communism and anti-North Korea sentiment, but the two contrasting perspectives co-existed. One perspective was to stress the importance of realistic economic assistance rather than the Japanese government s contrition and apology over its colonial rule in establishing new, friendly relations between Japan and South Korea (Okazaki), while the other perspective was to prioritize the self-reflection over colonial rule and discrimination against South Koreans from a historical dimension rather than political and economic assistance (Honda). Second, the perception of South Korea was consumed by Cold War ideology, but it did not “negate” nor “affirm” the existence of North Korea. As opposed to the perspective of 『Sekai』 s in 「Interview with Kim Il Sung」, this was the result of the conservative magazine 『Shokun!』 s faithful adherence to its editorial policy of retaining a ‘cool’ perspective by distancing from the illusion of North Korea. As mentioned above, the conservative magazine 『Shokun!』 strived to pursue so-called liberalism without bias to the right or left of extremism to seek a breakthrough in the bilateral relationship between Japan and South Korea during the 1970s. However, two opposing perspectives on South Korea were drawn by the magnet of Cold War ideology and coexisted: one view was the perception of South Korea with an emphasis on of contrition and apology over colonial rule, and the other view was perceiving it otherwise. However, such coexistence ended in the 1980s when the controversy over Japanese history textbook revisions moved beyond the borders of Japan and South Korea to become an international issue.

Ⅰ. 들어가며

Ⅱ. 보수주의 ‘오피니언 잡지’ 『쇼쿤!』의 등장

Ⅲ. 한국을 바라보는 ‘쿨한 렌즈’

Ⅳ. 나오며
