This study examines the implementation and utilization of the TRQ(Tariff Rate Quota) system under the FTA along with its system of administration and current status, and on this basis, proposes implications for a future TRQ system and its administration by identifying its functions and economic impact. Under the WTO system, there was an attempt to grant opportunities to access the market through tariffs with the purpose of expanding the trade of items that were previously prohibited from market access due to the restrictions on import. Although the controversial issue surrounding TRQ administration was the application of most favoured nation treatment – one of the general principles of the WTO, trade based on an FTA acknowledges the vesting of preferential treatment in and outside the area, and thus, deciding concessions, specifically, the degree of market openness at the negotiation stage is becoming increasingly important. This is aimed at protecting industries in a comparative disadvantage and supplying the market. However, the increase in imports as a result of tariff evasion and changes in TRQs also produced adverse effects such as a decrease in domestic production. Furthermore, the TRQs determined in the FTA are failing to be exhausted or failing to produce an actual profit. In the future, TRQ negotiations for the expansion of the FTA must be conducted with caution, with the necessity to exclude unprofitable items while establishing a plan to easily adjust TRQs between both parties within a range that does not affect other rules of origin.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 선행연구 및 이론적 고찰
Ⅲ. FTA 수산물 관세율할당
Ⅳ. 관세율할당관리 쟁점과 개선방안
Ⅴ. 결론