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KCI등재 학술저널

「바이러스와 인류」 강의 개발 사례연구

A Case Study of Developing a Liberal Arts Course, Virus and People

DOI : 10.32365/KASHM.2020.5.4
  • 507

본 연구는 2017년 1학기 선사시대부터 현대까지 동양과 서양을 아우르는 세계 전염병사에 대한 강의개발 과정과 강의 시행결과물 분석을 통해 대학 교양교과목 개발에 관한 사례 연구이다. 2020년 코로나19 바이러스 감염증의 유행은 전대미문의 팬데믹으로 전세계가 공포에 떨고 있는 이 시점에 전염병의 역사에 관한 강의개설은 시의적절하다고 할 수 있다. 의과학의 발전으로 전염병에 대한 공포가 사라졌다고 하지만 한국은 2002-2003년 사스, 2009년 신종플루, 그리고 2015년 메르스의 유행 등을 경험하면서 바이러스 대유행이 초래하는 사회적인 영향력을 경험하였다. 본 연구는 6학기동안 강의를 진행한 결과를 정리함으로써, 질병사와 의학사 관련 분야의 교양강의 개설이 한국대학 내에서 필요하다는 점을 밝혔다.

This research introduces a case study of developing a liberal arts course titled “Virus and People.” This course covers the history of epidemics around the world from prehistoric times to modern times in East and West. It is the first attempt to lecture Virus and People , a kind of history of diseases for liberal arts college of Korean universities. The lecture was the result of Prime project for Higher Education in the 4th Industrial Revolution, which was supported by National Research Foundation in Korea. I had framed my proposal around some of the history of epidemics in East and West including Korean cases, which I have researched over 20 years. My proposal Virus and People was selected in Feb., 2017. Ever since this course was first designed in the spring of 2017, it has been continuously revised and modified based on instructors’ self-assessment and students’ course evaluations. As an unprecedented pandemic, COVID-19, sweeps the planet, it is timely and relevant to offer a course on the history of infectious diseases and epidemics in college. Although the threat of infectious diseases has been globally disappearing due to advances in medicine, contemporary Korean society has been hit hard by a couple of epidemic outbreaks such as SARS in 2002-2003, swine influenza (H1N1) in 2009 and MERS in 2015. Every semester the students always have been full in the classroom and they used to be enthusiastic about the contents of Epidemic World History. It is a lecture of coexistence of science and liberal arts and humanity. However it was not successful all the time for me to provide an excellent teaching at the class. After developing several teaching techniques, such as an assignment of writing oral history about contagious diseases, and taking quiz after special guest lectures, it has been better and better. This study recommends that colleges and universities in South Korea offer liberal arts courses on the history of disease and medicine.

1. 머리말

2. 「바이러스와 인류」 강의개발

3. 강의 사례와 개선책

4. 맺음말
