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KCI등재 학술저널

한국전쟁 이후 강원지역 의료보건환경의 변화와 가톨릭 의료선교

Changes to Medical and Healthcare Environment of Gangwon Region and Catholic Mission on Medicine since the Korean War

DOI : 10.32365/KASHM.2020.5.2
  • 297

한국전쟁 이후 1970년대 중반까지 한국의 의료보건환경은 부족한 부분이 많았다. 강원도에서는 무엇보다 도립병원과 지역 보건소 등에서 의사와 간호사가 부족한 상황이 오랫동안 지속되었다. 1962년에 의료법시행령 제정으로 공의제도가 마련됨으로써 의사 부족현상이 완화되는가 싶었지만, 1965년 3월, 의료법이 개정되면서 의사동원령이 해제되었다. 이로 인하여 공의부족사태는 1973년, 의료법이 전부개정 되어 무의촌 공의근무를 의무화할 수 있는 법적근거가 마련될 때까지 장기간 지속되었다. 가톨릭 교회가 1955년 강원지역에서 춘천을 시작으로 병원을 설립하면서 그 공백을 일정 부분 보완해나가기 시작하였다. 강원지역 가톨릭 의원의 설립 위치를 보면 강릉, 삼척, 정선, 원주, 춘천인데, 춘천을 제외하고 나머지 네 곳은 시멘트, 석탄 등 광산지역과 연관이 깊다. 이들 지역에서는 교통이 불편하고 폐결핵 환자가 많았다는 공통점이 발견되었다. 가톨릭 교회에서 이들 지역에 의원을 설립한 이유와 역점을 둔 분야가 결핵치료사업이었다는 점은 시사하는 바가 크다. 가톨릭 의원들은 1980년대 들어서면서 변곡점을 맞았다. 그 주요 배경은 1977년 7월에 시작된 의료보험제도의 시행에서 찾을 수 있다. 1980년대 들어서면서 강원지역 가톨릭 의원은 하나 둘 폐원하거나 다른 대안을 모색하였다. 1980년대를 지나 1990년대에 한국사회가 핵가족사회로 진입하면서 가톨릭 의원은 병원의료선교에서 호스피스, 요양원 선교활동으로 변화하기 시작했다.

Most medical resources were destroyed during the Korean War. The medical and healthcare environment of Korea had many deficiencies until the mid-1970s and the biggest problem was the lack of medical practitioners, including physicians and nurses. In Gangwon Province, provincial hospitals and healthcare centers lacked physicians and nurses. As the Healthcare Law was enacted in 1962 and the public physician (public healthcare physician) system was established, the deficiency of physicians seemed to have been alleviated for a while. The Healthcare Law was amended in March 1965 and eliminated the legal grounds to mobilize the physicians. For that reason, the deficiency of public physicians continued until the legal grounds to make it mandatory to dispatch physicians to rural towns with no physicians in 1973. The Catholic Church of Korea established hospitals in Gangwon Region, starting with the one in Chuncheon opened in 1955, to fill in the absence of regional healthcare systems. Most Catholic clinics provided free examinations to patients in poverty. They relied on the funds and medicines sent from Ireland, USA, Australia, Germany, and more as rescue aids. In Gangwon, Catholic hospitals were established in Gangneung, Samcheok, Jeongseon, Wonju, and Chuncheon. Except for Chuncheon, all of the places were related to the mines for cement or coal. In Wonju, there was the Wonju Parish in charge of Gangneung, Samcheok, and Jeongseon. Because they were mining towns, they commonly had inconvenient transportation and many patients suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis. It is significant that the Catholic Church established hospitals in these towns to fight tuberculosis. The Catholic clinics were gradually changed in the 1980s. It was because of the health insurance system that began in 1977. More individual clinics and general hospitals were added to the local communities, leading to a natural decrease in the number of patients for the Catholic clinics. Also, less aid was received from abroad. The Catholic clinics suffered from financial difficulties and difficulties hiring medical practitioners. Entering the 1980s, the Catholic clinics in Gangwon Region started to shut down or look for alternative plans. As the Korean society entered the era of nuclear families in the 1990s, the Catholic clinics shifted from mission on medicine through hospitals to mission through Hospice and senior homes.

1. 머리말

2. 강원지역 의료보건 환경의 변화

3. 가톨릭교회의 강원지역 의료선교

4. 맺음말
