최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

게임사용장애의 인지행동치료

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Gaming Disorder

DOI : 10.37122/kaap.2020.24.1.15
  • 410

Objectives : As gaming disorder has been included in the 11th Revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) diagnostic criteria, various studies related to the disease have been published. However, the research on treatment is poor and there are difficulties for first-line therapists. This article reviews cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), considered the most important treatment for gaming disorders. Methods : The review was conducted through searching and reviewing of previous literature on gaming disorder and CBT. Results : Gaming disorders have their own mechanisms of cognitive behavior and should be understood. Various CBT forms of gaming disorders have been reported and studies consistently show significant therapeutic effects. Patients with gaming disorders can be classified into subgroups according to their characteristics and should be considered differently when applying CBT. Conclusion : There is a growing understanding of the importance of gaming disorders. To provide practical remedies for patients, research on treatment should be expanded. In particular, the long-term effects of cognitive behavioral therapy should be studied in the future.

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