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KCI등재 학술저널

게임사용장애의 국제질병분류체계 11차 개정판 등재의 배경과 정당성

Background and Justification of the Inclusion of the Gaming Disorder in the 11th Edition of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11)

DOI : 10.37122/kaap.2020.24.1.3
  • 419

After reporting extreme cases, such as sudden death related to excessive use of games, reports of addictive use of games and related health problems have been accumulating. The World Health Organization (WHO) conducted a public health response to health problems related to excessive use of digital devices and, as a result, “gaming disorder” has been included as an addictive disorder in the 11th edition of the International Classification of Diseases to be applied from 2022. The disease classification of the gaming disorder means that the world must monitor, prevent, and treat the health problems related to the addictive use of games in a standardized manner. These decisions are based on sufficient scientific and clinical grounds for conceptualizing the addictive use of games, and the proposed diagnostic guidelines are also key criteria covering substance and behavioral addiction. Despite controversy regarding detailed diagnosis criteria, widespread consensus exists on the public health-related harm associated with the addictive use of games. Thus, the practical discussions are needed to effectively apply the WHO’s decision regarding the country rather than the consumptive controversy.

서 론

디지털기기 사용 관련 중독 건강폐해에 대한 세계보건기구의 대응

게임사용장애의 질병개념

게임과몰입이 “게임사용장애”라는 중독성 장애로 질병개념화될 수 있는가?

장기추적연구를 통해 보고되는 게임중독 진단의 지속성과 안정성

게임사용장애에서 신경생물학적 이상

게임사용장애 진단기준의 타당성

게임사용장애 질병코드 등재에 대한 학계의 논쟁과 시사점

결 론
