최근 검색어 전체 삭제

상표 Matilda’s와 MATILDE VICENZI는 유사하지 않다

A Case Study Regarding PTO Case No. 2018WUON2840 for Rejection of ‘Matilda’s’ over MATILDE VICENZI

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The applicant filed a trademark application for Matilda’s for class 30 for chocolate-related products. The PTO rejected the application over a cited mark MATILDE VICENZI which was registered for class 30 for biscuits and pastry. The Examiner reasoned that the subject mark is similar to the cited mark in their sound. The Applicant filed an appeal with the Trademark Appeal Board. The Board reversed the examiner’s rejection. the Board decided that the marks are not similar in their sound and appearance.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 심결문

Ⅲ. 평 석

Ⅳ. 결 어
