GM작물 연구개발 및 상용화 동향
Current Status of GM Crop Development and Commercialization
- 한국육종학회
- 한국육종학회지
- Vol.52(특별호)
- : KCI등재
- 2020.04
- 40 - 48 (9 pages)
The global area of GM Crops continued to grow in 2018 and reached 191.7 million hectares. Twenty-six countries approved biotech crops for planting and an additional 44 countries (18 + 26 EU countries) officially imported biotech crops for food, feed, and processing, meaning that biotech crops are now commonly accepted in those countries. First-generation GM seed is being commercialized by global agricultural companies in advanced countries such as the United States and parts of Europe. The fact that more than 90% of first-generation GM seeds, which have been commercialized for 20 years, are both insect resistant and herbicide resistant proves that they continue to have an effect on improving agricultural productivity and increasing farmers incomes. As the effectiveness of GM crops has been proven and technology has been developed, the GM crop development trend has recently changed. In other words, it has moved from being producer-oriented to benefiting both farmers and consumers. In Korea, the National Program for GM Crops (NCGC), one of the Next-Generation BioGreen 21 Programs organized by Rural Development Administration (RDA), was established in 2011 to develop biotech crops that will be used in the future to solve our agricultural problems. To accomplish this mission, the NCGC carried out the exploration of useful functional genes, the development of qualified events, and the safety assessment of developed events. Here, we introduce the current status of GM crop development and commercialization in the world and in Korea.
서 언
GM작물 상업화 현황
GM작물 연구개발 동향 변이
소비자/수요자 지향적 GM작물 개발 및 상용화 사례
농업용에서 산업소재 생산용으로 확대
국가 또는 소규모 기업에서 연구개발과 상업화 적극 추진
사료용/식품가공용에서 식용으로 확대
국내 GM작물 연구개발 현황
상업용 GM작물 개발 기술 경쟁력 확보를 위한 노력
향후 전망 및 결론
적 요
사 사