The purpose of this study is to analyze the characteristics and types of correct answers in the magic cross problem solving process of elementary mathematics gifted students, and to examine their ability to understand problems in connection with mathematical justification. For this, we first looked at the characteristics and types of teacher question required in mathematical exploration, and the types and levels of mathematical justification. The subjects of the study were 20 students from the elementary mathematics class at P University s Institute of Science and Gifted Education, and they were interviewed individually and semi-structured. First, the basic questions were set up to present the problems by dividing them into four stages, and the changes in the types of correct answers suggested by students in each order were analyzed at each stage, and the characteristics of elementary mathematics gifted students found here were analyzed. Next, we looked at the two principles that make up the core concept of the magic cross problem: how the even-odd relationship and the idea of balance (symmetry) are explained through mathematical justification. As a result of the study, the correct answer to the magic cross problem presented by elementary mathematics gifted students tended to be determined according to the order of location, and the widespread thinking such as changing conditions did not appear easily. It was also possible to observe each level of mathematical justification, and it was not easy to interpret the magic cross problem from a perspective of a balance(symmetry). Based on these results, we expect that various discussions related to the problem solving process of elementary mathematics gifted students can be conducted.
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