16세기 사림파(士林派) 등장 이후 회재(晦齋) 하서(河西) 퇴계(退溪) 남명(南冥)과 같은 학자들이 출현하면서 성리학 이해 수준을 한 단계 더 높였다. 그리고 이런 성리학자 출현으로 학통(學統)과 학맥(學脈)이 형성되었다. 영남학파의 양대 산맥인 퇴계학파나 남명학파가 생겨난 것도 그 때문이다. 이 학파들을 지역 기반에 따라 강우(江右) 학파와 강좌(江左)학파로 칭하기도 하는데, 거창의 지역 기반은 강우에 속하지만, 강우학파로 일관되게 흐른 것은 아니었다. 강좌학파를 이끌던 퇴계 이황과의 인연 때문이다. 즉, 퇴계의 장인이던 권질(權礩)이 한때 거창에 낙향했고, 거창이 낳은 선비 임훈(林薰)이 퇴계와 교유하면서 성리학의 깊이를 더 심화시켰기 때문이다. 그러나 시간이 흐르면서 거창에는 남명을 계승한 학자들이 주류를 이루었는데, 임훈의 아우 임운 외에도 남명 문도였던 덕계(德溪) 오건(吳健)에게 배운 문위·전팔고·전팔급·류중룡·정인흡 등이 거창 출신이며, 한강(寒岡)에게 배움을 청했던 문위·진식·정온 등도 남명 학통을 이어받았다 할 것이다. 아울러 동계 정온은 남명의 적전제자 정인홍 문인이었으며, 이대일·형사갑·류계룡·류중룡·문위·윤경남 등도 그 문하에서 배출되었다. 남명은 이기론(理氣論)에 입각한 성리학적 이론 심화보다는 ‘경의(敬義)’를 바탕으로 한 실천을 중요시했던 학자였다. 임란(壬亂)을 당하여 그의 제자들이 창의를 많이 했던 것도 그런 이유 때문이다. 임진왜란 당시 의병 도대장(義兵都大將) 김면(金沔)의 의병진(義兵陣)이 거창에 설치되었는데, 이 지역에는 남명의 ‘경의’ 정신을 계승한 제자들이 많았기 때문이고, 정유명·문위·성팽년·전팔고·전팔급·김신옥·유중룡 등이 그들이다. 이처럼 거창은 퇴계 학통과 남명 학통을 함께 이어가다, 시간이 흐르면서 남명 학통을 이은 다수의 학인들이 임진왜란을 당하여 의병으로 투신하는 충의의 고장으로 이름 높였다. 하지만 북인정권이 무너진 이후 남명학파가 명멸되어가던 과정과 함께 운명의 길을 걸을 수밖에 없었다.
After the emergence of the academic factions in 16C, there was also an emergence of scholars, such as, Hoejae, Haseo, Toegye, Nam Myeong and others to upgrade the level of understanding on Neo-Confucianism one notch higher. And, with the emergence of such Confucius scholars, the academic tradition and school faction were taken place. It was the time for the Toegye School or Nam Myeong Academic Faction, two leading vehicles for the Youngnam School. Thess academic factions were also known as the Gangwoo (right side of the river) School and Gangjwa (left side of the riverf) School depending on the regional basis with the regional basis in Geochabng belonging to Gangwoo, without consistently classified as a Gangwoo School. It was attributable to the relationship with Toegye Lee Hwang who was the leader of the Gangjwa School. Namely, Gwon Gil who was the father-in-law to Toegye was once returned to Geochabng and a noble scholar of Geochabng, Im Hoon, became friend of Toegye to deepen the foundation of the Neo-Confucianism. However, with time flows, Geochabng had the main line of scholars succeeding Nammyeong, and these scholars include Im Woon who was a younger brother of Im Hoon, Moon Wi, Jeon Pal-go, Jeon Pal=gyu, Rype Jung-ryong, Jeong In-heup and others who were taught from Deokgye Oh Geon who was a disciple of Nammyeong, and Moon Wi, Jin Sik, Jeong On and others were requested teaching from Han Kang were also deemed to succeed the academic tradition of Nammyeong. In addition, Donggye Jeong On was a literature man of Jeong In-hong who was direct pupil of Nam Myeong, and Lee Dae-il, Hyeong Sa-gap, Ryu Gye-ryong, Rye Jung-ryong, Moon Wi, Yoon Gyeong-nam and others were also came from the academic sector. Nam Myong was the scholar who favored Righteous Esteem based practice over the principle of Neo-Confucianism based on the spirit of logical reasoning. It is attributable to the fact that his disciples had significant creative works during the Imjinwaeran (Japanese Invasion in the year of Imjin). At the time of Imjinwaeran, the base for civilian army of Kim Myeon who was the provincial general for civic army was set up in Geochabng and the region had significant number of disciples that succeeded the righteous esteem of Nam Myeong and they include Jeong Yu-myeong, Moon Wi, Seong Paeng-nyeon, Jeon Pal-go, Jeon Pal-geup, Kim Shin-ok, Yoo Jung-ryong and others. As such, Geochabng led the academic tradition of Toegye and Nam Myeong together, and with time flowing, the region had the reputation as the home of loyalty and justice by having many scholars with the Nam Myeong academic tradition participating as civil army during the Imjinwaeran. However, after the collapse of the Bukin regime, it had to walk the same path of destiny together with the process of rise and fall for the Nam Myeong Academic Faction.
Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 거창군 연혁과 재지사족
Ⅲ. 성리학 사회 정착과 거창
Ⅳ. 임진왜란기 학맥 형성과 거창 인물
Ⅴ. 맺음말