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KCI등재 학술저널

高句麗와 漢의 接境空間 변화에 따른 住民集團의 잡거

The Changes of the Border Space and the Mixed Residence Patterns of Residents Dwellings between Goguryeo and Han Dynasties

DOI : 10.18347/hufshis.2020.74.3
  • 262

이 글은 고구려와 한의 접경공간 변천에 따른 주민집단의 잡거양상을 고찰한 것이다. 고구려와 한의 접경공간은 네 차례 변모하였고, 주민집단의 잡거양상도 달라졌다. 기원전 107년 제1현도군 설치 이후, 압록강 중상류 일대에는 土着住民과 漢人이 雜居하기 시작했지만, 漢人이 郡縣城 내부에 거주했기 때문에 ‘混在’ 양상을 띠지는 않았다. 漢의 선진문화가 토착사회에 보급되는 가운데, 교류도 활발하게 이루어졌다. 특히 通化 赤柏松古城 1호 주거지의 온돌시설에서 보듯이 漢人들이 토착문화를 수용하기도 했다. 기원전 75년경 제1현도군이 蘇子河 방면으로 쫓겨났다. 이에 따라 고구려 지역과 제2玄菟郡의 중심부가 공간적으로 분리되었지만, 前漢 말까지는 제2현도군의 屬縣이 압록강 중상류에 잔존했기 때문에 명확한 境界가 성립되지 않았다. 다만, 양자의 중심부를 잇는 桓仁 西北路에서는 太子河 상류의 梁貊이 완충지대를 이루었고, 桓仁 東北路에서는 富爾江-蘇子河 상류의 분수령 지대가 접경지대로 인식되었다. 명확한 경계는 성립되지 않았지만, 양자의 중심부를 가르는 접경공간이 점차 형성되었던 것이다. 서기 1세기 중반경 고구려가 후한의 유화책을 틈타 제2현도군의 분리통제책을 봉쇄했다. 이때 고구려는 압록강 중상류에 잔존했던 제2현도군의 속현을 점령했는데, 通化 赤柏松古城의 제2기 건물군이 미완성 상태에서 폐기된 것은 이를 잘 보여준다. 이에 후한은 고구려 지역과 접경을 이루는 ‘東界’에 ‘幘溝婁’라는 성곽을 쌓아 朝服과 衣幘 등 고구려에 사여하는 위세품을 두었다. 이에 따라 蘇子河-富爾江의 분수령 지대로 비정되는 ‘東界’가 점차 고구려와 제2현도군의 경계로 인식되었다. 서기 1세기 말경 고구려가 후한의 정세 악화를 틈타 제2현도군을 점령하고 후한과의 국경선을 遼東故塞까지 크게 물리쳤다. 永陵鎭古城 北城의 제4기 전기 문화층은 제2현도군 퇴축 이후로 편년되는데, 後漢의 전통을 계승한 대형건물지와 고구려의 온돌시설을 갖춘 소형 주거지가 동시에 확인되었다. 제2현도군 퇴축 이후 永陵鎭古城에 高句麗人과 漢人이 雜居하였던 것이다. 제2현도군의 퇴축으로 양국의 국경이 명확하게 형성되었지만, 주민집단의 잡거는 더욱 활발하게 이루어졌던 것이다.

This paper examines the mixed residence aspects of residents dwellings following the transformation of Goguryeo and Han s border space. The border area between Goguryeo and Han dynasties has been changed four times, and the mixed residence aspects of residents dwellings has changed. Since the establishment of the First Hyeondo[Xuantu] commandery in 107 B.C., native people and Han Dynasty people began to live together in the upper and middle basin of the Yalu River. But it did not appear to be mixed residence patterns because the Han Dynasty people lived inside the administrative castle of commandery or prefecture. With the spread of advanced culture of Han Dynasty to the indigenous society, exchanges were also actively carried out. In particular, the ondol facilities of the first residence at the Chibaisong castle site reflect the aspect that the Han Dynasty people dispatched to the county and prefectures were embracing indigenous culture. Around 75 B.C., the First Hyeondo commandery was ousted to the direction of Suzihe River. As a result, the Goguryeo region and the center of the second Hyeondo commandery were separated each other in a spatial. However, the boundary between the two was not clearly established until the end of the Earlier Han period, as the prefectures of the Second Hyeondo commandery remained in the upper and middle basin of the Yalu River. The Yangmaek in the upper basin of Taizihe River was a buffer zone in the northwest of Huanren area, which connects the two centers, and the watershed areas of in Fuerjiang and Suzihe Rivers was recognized as a border area in the northeast Huanren area. Although the boundary between the two was not clearly established, the border space separating the two centers was gradually formed. Around the middle of the first century A.D., Goguryeo blocked the separation control of the Second Hyeondo commandery, taking advantage of the appeasement of the Later Han. At this time, Goguryeo occupied the prefectures of the Second Hyeondo commandery remained in the upper and middle basin of the Yalu River, which is well reflected by the fact that the buildings of the second period at the Chibaisong castle site was abandoned in an incomplete situation. In response, Latter Han built a fortress called Chaekguru in the area bordering the Goguryeo region, and placed a prestige item there that was enshrined in Goguryeo. As a result, the Eastern Boundary located in the watershed area of Fuerjiang and Suzihe Rivers was gradually recognized as the boundary between Goguryeo and the Second Hyeondo commandery. At the end of the first century A.D., Goguryeo occupied the Second Hyeondo commandery, under the deterioration of the situation of the Later Han Dynasty, and defeated the border with the Later Han. The 4th earlier occupation layer at the Yonglingzhen castle site was formed after the retreat of Second Hyeondo commandery was expelled, where a large building that inherited the tradition of the Later Han and a small residence with Goguryeo s ondol facilities were excavated at the same time. After the retreat of the Second Hyeondo commandery, Goguryeo people and Han Dynasty people lived together at the Yonglingzhen castle. The retreat of the Second Hyeondo commandery clearly formed the border between the two countries, but the mixed residence of residents dwellings was more active.

1. 머리말

2. 高句麗와 前漢의 접경공간 형성과 주민집단의 잡거

3. 高句麗와 後漢의 접경공간 변화와 주민집단의 잡거

4. 맺음말
