以汉字为交流基础的中朝两国展开了长达数千年的“朝贡-册封”交流模式:朝鲜每年皆有大量使臣和学子前往中国。而中国所展现出的文化深度,使得他们在制度法条、衣冠,甚或是思想、文学等层面,深受吸引。值得注意的是,朝鲜的“慕华”行为,在大明朝达到巅峰。几乎可以称作“惟明是从”的态度,在清朝已是平常,但在明朝却远非如此。透过《皇华集》的刊刻、朝鲜对当时与之唱和的诸位使臣之评论,可以推究出皇明一代,中朝关系从怀疑到稳固的过程,以及李氏朝鲜心目 中的“明朝”。
Under the Distribute system, every year Korea would send envoys to China. After thousands of years communicated via this pattern, Korea learned institution, custom, literature, even thoughts, from China. It seems devoting to Chinese culture becomes a tradition in Korea, but actually they had their own theory. By studying the Huanghua ji, it is possible to figure out the progress of China-Korea diplomacy relationship and the real image of Ming dynasty in Korea.
1. 前言
2. 明代中朝关系的三阶段
3. 《皇华集》及朝鲜使臣对使臣的评论
4, 小结