최근 검색어 전체 삭제

经济之道初探 --基于儒家义理贞定1)经济生活的尝试

The Philosophy of Economy—Based on the theory of Confucianism

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In Confucianism, we human beings have the duty to live, die, and put our heart and soul into human relations according to the principle of Tian, this is the origin of all kinds of economics. In details, since we have the duty to live, we are given the desire to live and the right to use other things as our living materials. It is the duty which guarantee the legitimacy of right, and when one can eat his (her) fill, wear warm clothes, and live in a cozy house, the duty is accomplished and it is time for human relations, rites and music, in this way, the activities of economy find their binderies, otherwise, if we have no awareness of human relations, rites and music, the economy will break through its limit and cause lots of disasters.

1. 序言:作为义心、利心之辨的义利之辨

2. 经济生活的天道根源、条件

3. 经济生活的目标及其原则

4. 经济生活的扩展及其限度
