최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

일본 기계 관련 어휘 분석 연구

A Study on the Analysis of Machine-related Words in Japanese

DOI : 10.21792/ trijpn.2020..89.001
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本稿では金型․機械関連分野での上位頻度語を考察するために󰡔金型新 聞󰡕の記事を対象に分析した。その結果は次のようである。 一つ目は、金型․機械関連の語彙では名詞の使用率が約70%以上で一番 よく用いられている。次いで、動詞、副詞、な形容詞、い形容詞の順で使 用頻度を示している。二つ目は、名詞の使用様相をみると、上位頻度語の887個を習得すると金型․機械関連の名詞の78.71%が理解できる。「金型」「加工」「技術」「メーカー」「部品」「自動車」「機械」「開発」などは上位頻度の10位内に入り、金型․機械関連の専門語彙としてよく用いられていると言える。三つ目は、動詞は上位頻度語の101個を習得すると、金型․機械関連の動詞の84.53%が理解できる。「する」が一番よく用いられ、そのほか、 「加える」「図る」「削る」「組み合せる」などの機械と関連のある動詞が見られる。四つ目は、副詞は上位頻度語の50個を習得すると、金型․機械関連の副詞の73.54%が理解できる。「今後」「現在」「将来」「今年」などの時間を表わす副詞の使用が多い。五つ目は、な形容詞は上位頻度語の30個を習得すると、金型․機械関連のな形容詞の74.07%が理解できる。「必要」が上位頻度の一位で、そのほか、「精密」「スマート」「細微」「高度」「詳細」「柔軟」などの金型․機械と関連の高い語彙が見られる。六つ目、い形容詞は上位頻度語の33個を習得すると、金型․機械関連のい形容詞の74.07%が理解できる。「高い」が上位頻度の一位で、そのほか、「堅い」「強い」「長い」「軽い」「薄い」など、大きさ、材質、重さなどと関連のあるい形容詞がよく用いられていることが分かった。

In the present paper, I analyze newspaper articles in Kanagata Newspaper to examine the most frequent words in the areas related to molding and machine. The result is summarized as follows. Firstly, the most frequent part-of-speech in the vocabulary in the areas related to molding and machine is nouns, which accounts for about 70% of the total, followed by verbs, adverbs, na-adjectives, and i-adjectives. Secondly, the most frequent 887 nouns account for 78.71% of the total numbers of the nouns appearing in the newspaper articles. In particular, the nouns such as kanagata ‘molding,’ kakoo ‘processing,’ gijutsu ‘technique’ are within the range of the most frequent 10 nouns, which suggests that these words are highly frequently used as technical terms in the areas related to molding and machine. Thirdly, the most frequent 101 verbs account for 84.53% of the total numbers of the verbs appearing in the newspaper articles. The most frequently used verb is suru ‘do,’ and other frequent verbs include kuwaeru ‘add,’ kezuru ‘scrape.’ Fourthly, the most frequent 50 adverbs account for 73.54% of the total numbers of the adverbs appearing in the newspaper articles. In particular, there are a number of occurrences of temporal adverbs such as kongo ‘in future,’ genzai ‘at present.’ Fifthly, the most frequent 30 na-adjectives account for 74.07% of the total numbers of the na-adjectives appearing in the newspaper articles. The most frequently used na-adjective is hitsuyoo ‘necessary,’ and other frequent na-adjectives include seemitsu ‘accurate,’ sumaato ‘smart.’ Sixthly, the most frequent 33 i-adjectives account for 74.07% of the total numbers of the i-adjectives appearing in the newspaper articles. The most frequently used i-adjective is takai ‘high,’ and other frequent i-adjectives include those denoting the size, material, and weight of objects, such as katai ‘hard,’ tsuyoi ‘strong.’

1. 서론

2. 연구범위 및 방법

3. 분석 결과 및 고찰

4. 결론
