최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

일본의 가족 변화와 새로운 주거 형태

Family Changes in Japan and a New Housing Type

DOI : 10.21792/ trijpn.2020..89.021
  • 220

本稿の目的は日本の賃貸型コレクティブハウスの事例調査に基づいて他人と共に暮らす共生型共同住宅において, どのように世代間の交流が行われ、住居共同体が形成されていくのかについて検討することである。2000年代半ばに大都市を中心にコレクティブハウスが登場した背景は、非婚化や少子高齢化等による家族変化であった。居住者同士の交流はハウスの運営のために企画している共同活動(居住者の義務)による非自発的な交流やハウスの中での動線によって偶然に発生する偶然な交流、そして、かつての親類や地域社会の隣人の間に行われていた相互扶助のような自発的․能動的な交流が行われていた。居住者の間に交流が発生している最も核心的な要素は共同生活であり、その中でも共同食事であった。共同食堂は空間的に居住者たちの接触が容易に発生できる入り口の方にあり、交流が最も多く行われる場所だった。コレクティブハウスは血縁の代わりに、他人が集まって共同生活をしながら住居を媒介に形成された住縁共同体である。居住者全員がハウスの主人意識を持ち頻繁に交流や会議、対話を通じて互いに信頼を築き、日常生活で発生する問題を解決しながら共同体を維持․運営していた。

The purpose of this paper is to examine how the exchange between generations is made and residential community is formed in the symbiotic apartment houses where people live together with others based on the case study of lease type collective houses in Japan. The background of the advent of collective houses around large cities from the mid‐2000s was a change of family due to singledom, low birth rate, aging etc. Exchanges between residents include involuntary exchanges through common activities(residents’ duty) planned for operation of houses, accidental exchanges that occurred accidentally according to the traffic inside house and voluntary/ active exchanges such as mutual aid that was made between relatives in blood relationship or between residents in local communities. The core element of exchanges between residents was communal life especially a communal meal. A communal restaurant was located near the entrance where contact between residents was made with ease and was the place where residents exchanged the most. A collective house is a house‐connected community formed with residence as a medium while strangers gather and live a communal life instead of blood ties. All the residents maintain and operate the community building up trust through meetings and conversations by frequent exchanges and considerable time with a sense of ownership of the house and solving problems that occur in their daily lives.

1. 서론

2. 가족 변화와 컬렉티브하우스의 등장

3. 컬렉티브하우스의 공간 구성과 운영

4. 조사

5. 결론
