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KCI등재 학술저널

일본 마네키네코에 관한 민속학적 고찰

Folkloric Consideration of Manekineko in Japan

DOI : 10.21792/ trijpn.2020..89.017
  • 82


Japan’s “Manekineko” originates from the name “「丸〆」(Marusime)” in the Imado Shrine in Asakusa Temple, Tokyo, around the 19th century. The shape of the figure also resembles that of a fox sculpture in Hushimi Inari Shrine in Kyoto. The story of Maneki Neko began with a cat washing its face and meaning that luck would come in the future. There is a superstition that if a cat calls a living person, it is lucky, but if it calls a dead person, it is accompanied by misfortune. “Manekineko” became a symbol of the lucky cat by emphasizing the meaning of calling out the living. “Manekineko”, for example, brings rain to farmers, brings customers to merchants, recovers the sick, and brings wealth and good luck to the public. However, “Manekineko” exists in other countries besides Japan. A lying cat in China’s Unnam Province and a cat in a South Korean Sangwon temple play the same role. However, only in Japan can one see a cat with one hand up. Manekineko’s appearance is a unique feature made by the Japanese.

1. 머리말

2. 마네키네코의 탄생과 원형

3. 마네키네코의 초복성

4. 한국과 중국의 복 고양이

5. 진화를 거듭하는 마네키네코

6. 마무리
