최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

호리 다쓰오(堀辰雄) 문학에 나타난 ‘변장(変装)’과 ‘아사쿠사(浅草)’ - 「수족관(水族館)」과 「날개짓(羽ばたき)」을 중심으로 -

Asakusa and Disguise in the Early 1930s - Focusing on The Aquarium and The Flap of the Wings of Hori Tatsuo -

DOI : 10.21792/ trijpn.2020..89.013
  • 36

堀辰雄は初期作品において近代都市東京をテーマとして実在する地名や場所を取り上げた短編小説を多数書いた。その中でも浅草は複数の作品において主な舞台として登場し、堀辰雄の初期作品と深く関わっている場所であるといえる。堀辰雄が描いた浅草は、作家自身が幼年時代に経験した「かつての浅草」と1930年代のモダン文化の最盛期に向かって衰退していく、「同時代の浅草」という二つの類型として現れている。そこで堀辰雄の初期作品における二つの浅草に共通しているのが異性になりすます「変装」である。 本稿では、堀辰雄文学において上述した二つの浅草が描かれている作品として「水族館」と「羽ばたき」を取り上げて、両作品に表れている浅草および「変装」について分析を試みる。なお、その分析結果を踏まえた上で、堀辰雄の初期作品にみられる浅草の意味変化を明らかにすることを論文の目的とする。

In his early works, Hori Tatsuo depicted the modern city of Tokyo, and wrote a number of short novels mentioning existing places and place names. In particular, Asakusa was described as an important place in his several works, and it is deeply associated with the early works of Hori Tatsuo. The city of Asakusa, as described by Hori, represents “the erstwhile city of Asakusa,” which he experienced in his childhood, as well as “the contemporary city of Asakusa,” which declined in 1930s when the culture of the time was in full broom. These two notions of Askusa, as described in the early works of Hori Tatsuo, have a commonality, namely the sexual “disguise” of a man. In this article, I take up two Hori’s novels involving the two notions of Asakusa, The Aquarium and The Flap of the Wings and analyze the concept of “disguise” in these novels. Based on this analysis, I reveal the image of Asakusa represented in Hori Tatsuo’s literary works.

1. 들어가며

2. 시선과 에로스가 교차하는 거리, 아사쿠사

3. 수족관 에 나타난 남장여자와 아사쿠사의 종말

4. 날개짓 에 나타난 여장소년과 지워진 아사쿠사

5. 나오며
