최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

게사고젠 이야기의 수용과 변용

Acceptance and Transformation of Kesagozen Story

DOI : 10.21792/trijpn.2020..89.008
  • 5

中世軍記物語『源平盛衰記』には文覚(1139-1203)が誤って袈裟御前を殺害したのがきっかけで仏門に入ったという説話が伝わる。夫に代って殺された袈裟御前の悲話でもあるこの物語は以後、江戸時代に入ってから多様なジャンルの作品を通じて伝承された。 本稿ではその伝承の様相を歴史的に考察する方法として、袈裟御前の物語に注目した、江戸時代の作家たちの視線が込められている作品を対象に考察した。貞節を守った女性の典型として改竄されていく中には、かつて『源平盛衰記』の作者もその類似性に注目した、中国の『列女伝』に所収されている「京師節女」談の影も確認される。則ち、林羅山(1583-1657)をはじめとする儒学者の作品では袈裟御前の物語を傳える際に「京師節女」談の文句を借用したり、「京師節女」談を意識して「孝」と「節義」という儒教の理念を強調する物語へと変容している。その一方、曲亭馬琴(1767-1848)のように原話を充実に傳えながらも、「京師節女」談における最も重要な評価要素が「殺身成仁」であるように儒教の思想から袈裟御前の物語を語っている事例も確認される。 近代以降も袈裟御前の物語に向ける作家の視線は注がれているので、今後は近代以降の受容の様相についても比較考察を続けたい。

『GenpeiSeisuiki(源平盛衰記)』, a medieval Gunkimonogatari, contained the story in which Mongaku(文&#35226;, 1139&#8208;1203) comes to believe in Buddhism, on the occasion of mistakenly murdering Kesagozen. This story, a tragic one of Kesagozen who dies in place of her husband, was then transmitted through works in various generes by Edo period. This paper examined some works including the views of representative authors in Edo period, who paid attention to the Kesagozen story, as a method for historically considering its transmission pattern. While Kesagozen was rephrased as a representative women who kept her chastity, the shade of the Gyeongsajeolnyeostory in <Biographies of Exemplary Women(列女&#20253;)>, a Chinese novel, whose similarity with the Kesagozen story was also previously focused on by the author of &#985172;GenpeiSeisuiki&#985173;, could be verified. In other words, Confucian scholars including Hayashi Razan(林羅山, 1583&#8208;1657) borrowed some phrases from ‘Gyeongsajeolnyeo story’, when they introduced the Kesagozen story in their works or transformed it into a story emphasizing Confucian philosophies such as ‘filial duty’ and ‘principles’, by referring to the Gyeongsajeolnyeo story. Meanwhile, some cases in which authors borrowed Confucian rules such as ‘sacrificing oneself to preserve one’s integrity’, the most important virtue, from the Gyeongsajeolnyeo story, while faithfully introducing the original story about Kesagozen, as did Kyokutei Bakin(曲亭馬琴, 1767&#8208;1848) can be found. Authors’ views have continuously concentrated on the Kesagozen story even after modern times. It is necessary to continue to comparatively consider its transmission pattern after modern times, in the future.

1. 머리말

2. 게사고젠 이야기를 바라보는 시대적 간극(間隙)

3. 에도시대 게사고젠 이야기의 전승 양상

4. 마무리
