Clint Eastwood’s 2008 film Gran Torino (2008) features a story of a recently widowed Korean War veteran Walt Kowaski who set out father and son relationship with his Hmong neighbor, Thao and who eventually sacrificed himself for Thao’s future. Despite complimentary comments on such transformation of an one-time racist white old man Walt, however, he reveals his superior attitudes as American Whites in the process of racializing his Hmong neighbors including Thao and Spider-led Hmong gangs and wields his violence in maintaining his neo-conservative beliefs and values in the end. In this sense, this paper examines how white supremacy ideology works not only in Walt’s manning up of Thao as a model minority who will maintain the white-centered conservative values, but also in deporting Hmong gangs who threaten the neo-liberal order of color-blind meritocracy. This kind of conservative narrative can be persuasive through the performance by all-time respective movie star like Clint Eastwood and contributes to the maintenance of white supremacy.
I. 들어가며
II. 몽(Hmong), “흑인화” vs “백인화”
III. “명예 백인” 모범소수민족
Ⅳ. 나오며