최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

주트 수트(Zoot-Suit)와 규범에의 도전, 그리고 주트 수트 폭동(Zoot-Suit Riots)

Zoot-Suit, Challenge to the Norm, and Zoot-Suit Riots

DOI : 10.22505/jas.2020.52.1.02
  • 52

In the years of World War II, Mexican American youths were challenging all the unwritten norms in America. In the racism-ridden and anglo-dominated society, they found the avenue to express themselves and tried to identify themselves through the zoot-suit. And they hoped to create the socio-cultural identity of their own making as an independent and distinct one that was un-American and at the same time, un-Mexican. But negative views on the zoot-suit and the zoot-suiter and wide-spread racism strengthened by war-time social tension resulted in a series of the crash between Mexican American zuit-suiters and white soldiers and in time, the mass riots. However, in public, the responsibility for the riots was given to Mexican American zoot-suiters, and the riots were defined as the riots caused by the zoot-suiter. Yet considering the nation-wide spread of the riots afterwards, Los Angeles zoot-suit riot can be understood as the beginning of the great storm of the race riots during the war years.

I. 서론

II. 주트 수트 폭동

III. 주트 수트와 주트 수터, 그리고 멕시코계 미국인 청소년의 정체성

IV. 주트 수터와 주트 수트 폭동: 규범에 대한 도전 v. 전시애국주의와 통합주의, 그리고 인종주의

V. 결론

