호남평야지 재배시기별 조생종 벼 품종의 수량과 이삭 관련 형질 특성 분석
Characterization of Yield and Panicle-related Traits of Early Maturing Rice Varieties by Cultivation Times in the Honam Plain Area of Korea
- 한국육종학회
- 한국육종학회지
- Vol.52 No.2
- : KCI등재
- 2020.06
- 115 - 130 (16 pages)
The cultivation of early maturing rice in the Honam plain area of Korea is increasing to diversify the cropping systems. The croppingsystems of this rice are usually classified as early, ordinary, and late cultivations based on transplanting time. The characteristics of varietiesvary depending on the cultivations. To evaluate the performance of varieties and interpret the relationships between genotype and environment,nine yield and 17 panicle-related traits of six early maturing rice varieties (Jopyeong, Odae, Unkwang, Haedamssal, Jinkwang, and Haedeul)were characterized on early, ordinary, and late cultivations. Heading date was longer in order of early, ordinary, and late cultivations. Thecumulative mean temperature of growth stage was similar for all cultivations. The variation in the number of spikelets per panicle (NS) wasmainly due to the variety and the traits related with secondary rachis-branch were affected more by variety than the traits related to primaryrachis-branch. The varieties with the highest yield were Haedamssal on early maturing cultivation and Unkwang on ordinary and late cultivations. Haedamssal displayed a panicle-number type plant architecture with relatively higher number of panicles per hill (PN) and average NS. Unkwangexhibited panicle-weight type with many NS and less PN. Additive main effects and multiplicative interaction analysis revealed that, NS andHD were mostly affected by genotype and environment, respectively. Among yield-related traits, NS contributed the most to enhanced yieldof varieties in all cultivations. NS could be the target trait of breeding programs intended to improve the yield potential of early maturingrice adaptable to the Honam plain area. However, proper PN should be considered because PN, which was negatively correlated with NS,also affected the yield.
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