최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

반수체 밀 계통을 이용한 이삭 길이 관련 유전자좌 분석

Mapping of QTL for Spike Length in Doubled Haploid Population of Korean Wheats

DOI : 10.9787/KJBS.2020.52.2.104
  • 20

The objective of this study was to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) of spike length by association analysis with 94 doubledhaploid wheat lines derived from Keumkang and Olgeuru. Days to heading date, culm length, spike length, and kernels per spike were evaluatedin 2017 and 2018 in upland conditions. Culm length and spike length were biased short culm length and spike length (skewness=0.2 and1.5, respectively). Kernel number per spike was biased low kernel number per spike (skewness=0.8). A genetic map was constructed with170 microsatellite marker loci. One QTL was detected for spike length. The QTL on chromosome 4A, qSL-1 was detected by Xwmc283and Xbarc327 explained 44.3% of the phenotypic variation. The QTL was applied to validate the relationship between genotypes of QTLand 29 Korean wheat cultivars grown for nine years under upland conditions. Korean wheat cultivars were classified into 5 types b ased onthe combination of the two SSR markers. In Korean wheat cultivars, genotype b at Xbarc327, which was homozygous to Keumkang, had ashorter spike length (7.48 cm) than genotype c, which was different from the genotypes of Keumkang and Olgeuru, (8.45 cm). The two Koreanwheat cultivars with genotypes ac at Xwmc283 and Xbarc327 had longer spike length (8.45 cm) than genotypes ba and bb (<7.42 cm).

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