최근 검색어 전체 삭제

On Factors Affecting Tourism Capacity (Overtourism): Using Logit Analysis

DOI : 10.24907/jtir.2020.
  • 37

Purpose: The main purpose of this study is to derive policy implications for solving overtourism problems in the region based on the opinions of local residents about overtourism on Jeju Island. Although defining the entire Jeju Island as an overtourism area requires a more careful approach, in-depth studies of overtourism on Jeju Island have been made since the problems caused by overtourism affect the quality of life of local residents. It is a necessary time. Research design, data, and methodology: The Logit Model Analysis used in this study measures the agreement of overtourism on a categorical scale. The survey for this study collected data from respondents who were aware of and interested in the concept of overtourism in December 2019. A total of 157 subjects were analyzed from the total 170 data collected. This study seeks to explore the factors that influence the agreement of over tourism based on existing studies. That is, in this study, exogenous variables were selected and final logit model was constructed based on existing studies. Results: In the final logit model, economic among exogenous factors can be seen as the most influential factor in overtourism. Next, environmental factors and culture can be interpreted as sensitive factors. That is, if Wald statistics showing the regression coefficient value among the significant exogenous variables in the model are interpreted statistically for the economic factor, which is the highest variable, the meaning of 4.305 with the highest EXP(B) in the table is the value of this exogenous variable. If this unit is increased by 1 unit, the probability of agreeing with over tourism may increase by 4.305 times. Conclusions: In conclusion, the best policy for lowering the perception of over tourism needs to consider economic aspects first. In other words, economic sustainability is an important factor when trying to measure the indicators of sustainable tourism in Jeju Island. Finally, The clearer analysis of regional differences in this study leaves the necessity of conducting in-depth analysis by expanding the wider area and the number of samples in the future, and continuing to improve the quality of life of the residents of Jeju Island.

1. 서론

2. 이론적 고찰

3. 실증 분석 결과

4. 결론 및 시사점

