최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

소비자계약에서 정보제공의무

The Duty of Providing Information in Consumer Contract

  • 94

The duty of providing information can be accepted between the enterprise and the consumer. The enterprise has the considerable information regarding goods and services. It can be adapted between professional and non professional. For example, doctors, architectures, lawyers. The enterprise has the duty of informing of important things related contract before contract conclusion. There is no general clause in Korean Civil Code(KBGB) regarding the duty of providing information. Accordingly, we derived its legal basis from good faith principle. Some acts related consumer have the clause regarding the duty of disclose and explanation and notification and providing information. Especially, concerning the goods, information on accurate and easily accessible information describing the goods should be disclosed in Electronic Commerce. The breach of the duty of providing information has been related to its legal characteristic. It is said that the structure of the contract duty consists of two duties. One is major duty(Hauptpflicht), another is incidental duty(Nebenpflicht). The duty of providing information can be recognized incidental duty or independent duty. The breach of the duty of providing information has been regulated culpa in contrahendo and tort liability and fraud by the court. The supplier can be liable for the warranty in case of the breach of the duty. The burden of proof of the duty and the breach of the duty lies in the consumer. The enterprise is liable for the burden of proof of negligence in case of contract liability.

Ⅰ. 계약환경의 변화와 정보제공의무의 인정의 필요성

Ⅱ. 정보제공의무의 의의와 법적 성격

Ⅲ. 비교법적 고찰

Ⅳ. 우리나라에서의 정보제공의무

Ⅴ. 정보제공의무의 판단기준과 위반의 효과

Ⅵ. 결 어
