최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

미국의 Pro-patent 정책과 특허법 개혁안

Pro-patent Policy and Patent Reform Act of United States

  • 320

Progress of economic globalization in the 21st century, knowledge-based economy, intellectual property recognized as an important economic infrastructure of the system. The global environment under WTO. WIPO and intellectual property protection around IP5 for the establishment of international norms and international coordination(harmonization) has been in progress for a lively discussion. For the protection of U. S. intellectual property rights, and events focused on Pro-patent policy to pursue. Because the proportion of patents in the U. S. economy is large and important industries such as drugs and biotechnology drugs and new content or software from the leading-edge technologies to protect U. S. economic policy is very beneficial. The goal of patent law reforms to improve the quality of patents, U. S. patent system for the modernization of the global environment at will. In the Senate of the United States to facilitate innovation and competition and patent law and policy to maintain a proper balance in the direction of the reform is expected to review it. Since 1990, the U. S. domestic patent applications increased from 2006 to overtake Japan as the world’s No.1. As the application of the best country in the world, PTO has been facing the challenge of piling up of patent applications and recruiting patent examiner recruitment and training is a problem. As Patent Troll appeared to abuse the patent system, a global company has cooperated mutually to combat it. The ultimate goal of the patent system through the technology innovation is to obtain economic benefits. To continue to promote technological innovation, intellectual property protection and competition policy is desirable to maintain the balance. Our Korean companies should strengthen patent management in order to exercise technical competence in the international stage. For preparation for coming into effect of U. S. Pro-patent policy and patent reform bill, Korean government should research the Patent Law Reform Bill and Pro-patent policy of the U. S. in depth and is expected to respond it.

Ⅰ. 서 론

Ⅱ. 미국의 Pro-patent 정책

Ⅲ. 특허법 개혁안

Ⅳ. Pro-patent 정책의 문제점 및 대응

Ⅴ. 결 론
