최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

한국 행정소송제도와 일본 신행정소송제도의 비교 연구

A Comparative Study on the Korean-Japanese Administrative Suit System

  • 68

This article is written about a comparative study on the Korean-Japanese administrative suit system. Japanese administrative suit system was enacted in 1962. Thereafter it have not been amended until 2004. Japanese neo-administrative suit system in 2004 is mainly as follows ; First, it made various new administrative litigation types. They are called obligatory litigation and injunctive litigation. Second, the scope of standing was enlarged. Third, the defendant was changed from administrative agency to administrative subject(e.g. state and local government). In Korea the administrative suit system is working on revision. And Japanese one may be the model of Korean neo-administrative suit system. Therefore, I aim for a comparative study on the Korean-Japanese administrative suit system. Through the study we may acquire many suggestions about the revision of Korean administrative suit system.

Ⅰ. 처음에

Ⅱ. 양 제도의 입법적 연혁

Ⅲ. 양 제도의 비교

Ⅳ. 맺으며 - 양 제도의 과제
