최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

한국에서 여성에 대한 법학교육과 법과 젠더의 관계

On Study about legal education for women and relation between legal system and gender.

  • 78

This paper deals with two aspects of legal education in reference to relation between legal system, women and gender. The first, it is about how important legal education for women is. In korea there were a few lawyers who recognized the importance of legal education for women in 1950 s. Such an idea stems from followings. Namely, traditionally only the home has been regarded as a women s own field, so generally women have entered into neither labor market nor politics. Such a phenomenon is existed in legal circles. Many women have had only few chances to receive legal education during past years, so they have difficulty to approach the legal system and are not familiar with using legal system to settle a dispute in compare with men these days, also. As a result, sometimes, women are placed in more possibility, in which they don t recognize their own right and experience unexpected disadvantages. That is the reason, why legal education should be done for women. The second, these days to teach feminism legal theory is emphasized to construct gender oriented legal system. Above mentioned, cause only a few women had chances to receive legal education and to work as a lawyer, the impartiality of legal system, which is most important to realize justice is constituted on the gender bias in reality. For all these reasons, gender oriented legal education in college of law has own the intention to overcome gender bias of legal system and it is demanded to realize the true spirit of the law.

Ⅰ. 들어가는 말

Ⅱ. 여성에 대한 법학교육의 의미와 전개

Ⅲ. 젠더와 법의 관계

Ⅳ. 맺음말
