최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

해리 홉킨스의 정체성

<Abstract> Harry Hopkins Identity Problem

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Harry Hopkins was a special assistant and the most reliable political staff of Franklin D. Roosevelt during the New Deal Era and the Second World War. Generally speaking, most American historians has recognized that Hopkins had well advised the President and contributed himself to recover the economic crisis after the Great Depression and to defeat the Nazi Germany during the Second World War. However, the Soviet Unions collapsed in 1991 and throughout 1990s, a lot of the secret documents which has preserved in the Soviets achives have been delivered by the hands of the Soviet detectors to the western countries. Some important memoirs have been published and many witnesses have appeared. In 1995, the National Security Agency officially began to disclose so called the Venona Project, which was a painstaking effort to deciphered the secret cables between Moscow and the diplomatic branches in United States. Owing to the Venona files, it has been found that the Soviet spy rings had been more widely and deeply penetrated into the Roosevelt Adminstration that American people and the new media had recognized at that time. One of the most shocking evidences, witnesses and arguments was that Harry Hopkins had been a Soviet spy, not a patriot. This article s main purpose is to research and analyze whether Harry Hopkins was a Soviet spy or not. The striking evidence came from the Message 812 and another alarming witness came in the publication, KGB: The Inside Story of its Foreign Operations from Lenin to Gorbachev(1991) written by former KGB foreign intelligence official, Oleg Gordievsky and Christopher Andrew. If Hopkins was a Soviet spy, why did Hopkins do that kind of treason? It is necessary to looking for his Soviet viewpoints and his strong influence upon the implementation of the Russian policy. He firmly believed that to defeat the Nazi Germany, the United States should provide the unconditional aid and full support to the Soviets without any questions and the cooperations between the United States and the Soviet Union would continue during and even after the war for the peaceful world. With showing Stalin s letters to Hopkins, Soviet official Iskhak A. Akhmerov also encouraged him to do his best efforts in order to win the war and to improve the relationship between the two nations. Hopkins had secured to collect the officials which he regarded to be pro-Soviet around the President s Soviet Protocol Committee and to remove the officials which he judged to be anti-Soviet. However, he even gave the Soviets the secret information on the FBI s activity against the American communist groups. I would argue that Hopkins had hurt the American national interests and even protected the Soviet national interests. Consequently, I would like to conclude that Hopkins might be a Soviet spy, even though the revealed evidences and witnesses were not enough and even controversial.

Ⅰ. 문제의 제기

Ⅱ. 루즈벨트의 분신, 홉킨스

Ⅲ. 소련첩자라는 단서들

Ⅳ. 무기대여와 대소정책에 대한 홉킨스의 역할

Ⅴ. 결론
