최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

The Laws on Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in the United States and Korea: A Comparative Review

  • 183

현재 세계 각국에서 다른 나라의 판결을 승인하고 집행하고자 하는 경우가 폭발적으로 늘고 있고, 특히 미국과 한국은 서로의 주요 교역 대상국으로 상대국 판결의 승인과 집행을 청구하는 소송은 양국 모두에서 증가하고 있다. 많은 나라들이 외국 판결 집행에 관한 국제 조약 등에 가입하고 있으나 현재 한국과 미국은 이러한 협정 등에 가입하지 않고 있다. 한편 한국은 외국 판결의 집행에 있어 민사소송법과 민사집행법 등에 명문의 규정을 두고 있으나, 미국의 경우에는 최소 세 개 이상의 다양한 법제가 공존하고 있다. 양국간의 교역 규모 등을 고려해본다면 외국판결의 집행에 대해 양국의 실무가들이 상대국의 시스템을 이해하는 것은 상당히 중요할 것이다. 이 논문의 목표는 미국에서의 외국 판결의 승인 및 집행에 관한 법체계의 현황과 연혁 등을 고찰하고 비교법적인 코멘트를 하는 데에 있다. Part II에서는 연방대법원이 國際禮讓(international comity)에 의거하여 내린 최초의 판결을 살펴보고, Part III 에서는 현재 미국에서 운용되고 있는 세 개의 각기 흡사하면서도 상이한 법제를 살펴볼 것이다. Part III에서 또한 미국 법체계의 약점과 문제점을 토론하고 통일성과 예측 가능성을 추구하는 최근의 흐름도 살펴본다. Part VI에서는 한국 민사소송법 217조와 민사집행법 26조, 27조를 살펴보고 한국의 법체계가 미국의 법체계에 대해 가지고 있는 비교우위성에 대해 토론한다. Part V에서는 미국 법체계의 불확실성을 다시 한번 지적하고 가능한 해결책으로서 외국판결 승인 및 집행에 관한 제 법규의 연방화를 제안할 것이다.

Many nations around the world are parties to judgment-enforcement treaties or conventions with other nations. However, the United States is not a party to any such conventions or treaties with any other countries. Likewise, there is no bilateral treaty or multilateral convention in force between Korea and any other country dealing with the recognition and enforcement of judgments. While Korea has a straightforward and easy to follow system, the U.S. has three different systems currently in place. Given the trade volumes between these two countries, it is important for the practitioners in the two countries to have understanding of each other’s legal system on this important and practical issue. This paper therefore aims to examine the developments in the laws on the recognition and enforcement of judgments from foreign countries in the U.S., and will have a comparative comment on the same. Following the introduction, it will look at the beginning of the legal doctrine in the U.S. in Part II. In Part III, we will discuss the three different bodies of laws, namely the 1962 Act, the 2005 Act, and the Common Law approach with respect to recognition and enforcement of foreign country money judgments. Part III will also contain a critical discussion on the shortcomings of the current legal schemes in place in the U.S. In Part IV, the paper will briefly review the Korean system. In Part V, the paper will conclude that the U.S. should try to adopt a uniform national standard like the Korean approach. Korean system is straight forward and easy to understand, and includes a reciprocity requirement, thereby being more in conformity with the international trend. The American system is problematic in that it lacks uniformity and predictability. Given the ever increasing trade volumes and the interaction between the citizens of these two countries, the U.S. should try to improve its system. Of course, if two countries can sign a well-drafted international treaty, all these problems will go away, and we will be able to achieve nice uniformity and predictability. However, both countries have not signed any international treaties in this area, and it is unlikely that both countries will sign a treaty any time soon. Therefore, if the U.S. wants to improve on this area, the easiest and quickest solution has to come from its federal Congress. Federalization of recognition and enforcement of foreign country judgments will be a solution to all the concerns that this paper has identified and discussed. In this regard, it is unfortunate that the U.S. Congress has not acted upon the proposal by ALI for the past ten years. The author hopes that the U.S. Congress considers this issue in due course and that it enacts a federal statute that is as straightforward and as broad as the laws of Korea.

Ⅰ. Introduction

Ⅱ. Where It All Began: Hilton v. Guyot

Ⅲ. Substantive State Laws on Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments

Ⅳ. The Korean Approach

Ⅴ. Conclusion
