China Corporation Law took the strict Statutory Capital System since 1993 which means that the registered capital of Limited companies and Stock companies are made up of the total amount of contribution of subscription and payment actually in the company registration authority. This regulation has been changed in Corporation Law of China of 2006. In the new law the payment of the amount of investment for the first time must be above 20% of the registered capital. The rest should be paid in installment by company sponsors in two years since the establishment of the company. This point makes the change from the strict Statutory Capital System of 1993 corporation law to relaxed Strict Statutory Capital System of 2006, which is regarded as big progress. But as a country with rapid development, it is necessary for China to improve the system of capital further according to convenience of establishment of companies, the efficiency of the financing and the protection for creditors. As a result, Authorized Capital System will be the inevitable trend for China in the future.
Ⅰ. 중국의 3대 자본형성제도에 관한 이론
Ⅱ. 1993년 중국회사법상 엄격한 법정자 본제
Ⅲ. 중국회사법상 자본형성제도에 관한 검토
Ⅳ. 2005년 중국회사법상 완화된 법정자 본제
Ⅴ. 중국 회사법상 자본형성제도의 발전방향