최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI우수등재 학술저널

인천시 자치구별 미세먼지 농도에 따른 호흡기 및 심혈관계 외래환자 수 상관분석

Analysis of Respiratory and Cardiovascular Diseases according to PM Concentration in the Incheon Area

DOI : 10.5668/JEHS.2020.46.3.276
  • 211

Objectives: This study was conducted to identify the effects of PM<sub>10</sub> and PM<sub>2.5</sub> on hospital visits in the Incheon area over the period of 2016-2018. Methods: We applied correlation analysis and Poisson regression to perform the analysis using cardiovascular disease and respiratory disease data from the National Health Insurance Service and the daily average PM<sub>10</sub> and PM<sub>2.5</sub> from the Korea Environment Corporation adjusting for time lag. Results: When the daily average PM<sub>10</sub> concentration increased by 10 &#181;g/m<sup>3</sup> , the number of cardiovascular disease patients were 1.002 times higher (95% CI [Confidence Interval]; 1.000-1004) in Ganghwa County. As the daily average PM<sub>2.5</sub> concentration increased by 10 &#181;g/m<sup>3</sup> , the number of cardiovascular disease patients were 1.012 times higher (95% CI; 1.008-1.016) in Ganghwa County. As the daily average PM<sub>10</sub> concentration increased by 10 &#181;g/m<sup>3</sup> , the respiratory disease patients were 1.003 times (95% CI; 1.002-1.004) higher in Gyeyang and Michuhol Counties. As the PM<sub>2.5</sub> concentration increased by 10 &#181;g/m<sup>3</sup> , the respiratory disease patients were 1.003 times higher (95% CI; 1.002-1.005) in Bupyeong County. Conclusions: In some parts of the Incheon area there was a correlation between the number of patients with respiratory and cardiovascular conditions and the concentration of PM<sub>10</sub> and PM<sub>2.5</sub>.

I. 서 론

II. 연구 방법

III. 결 과

IV. 고 찰

V. 결 론

감사의 글

