최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI우수등재 학술저널

Meta-analysis Study on Microenvironmental Characteristics of Radon Concentration in Korea

Meta-analysis Study on Microenvironmental Characteristics of Radon Concentration in Korea

DOI : 10.5668/JEHS.2020.46.3.245
  • 124

Objective: The present study analyzed domestic and overseas academic journals to understand the research status and characteristics of radon concentration distribution in Korea in accordance with environmental conditions. Methods: As part of the meta-analysis, pooled average concentration was calculated using an inverse variance-weighted average of the arithmetic means and standard deviations among the investigated values. Using the obtained pooled average concentration, a Monte-Carlo simulation was performed to increase the reliability of the occurrence possibility of the calculated concentration distribution. A total of 38 research articles were selected, including 27 articles published in domestic academic journals and 11 articles published in foreign academic journals. Results: The comparison results showed differences in radon concentration distribution in accordance with regional and topographical characteristics. Conclusion: Currently, even though research into radon is steadily picking up the pace in Korea much remains to be done. Additional research is thus needed to establish a baseline for radon emissions in Korea.

I. Introduction

II. Materials and Methods

III. Results

IV. Discussion

V. Conclusions


