최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

일개 약학대학 학생들의 ‘환자 안전’에 대한 태도 및 인식 조사

Study on the Attitudes and Perceptions of ‘Patient Safety’ among Pharmacy Students

DOI : 10.17480/psk.2020.64.3.226
  • 54

With ‘patient safety’ emerging as an important issue, a survey of attitudes and perceptions on ‘patient safety’ of Inje University pharmacy students has been conducted. We conducted a structured survey among 139 pharmacy students between September 2 and 3, 2019. Of total, 128 students responded (effective response rate=92.1%). A 92.9% of respondents agreed that professors should teach the concept of patient safety at university. A 98.4% of students agree that patient safety education should be included in university educational curriculum. Our study showed the demand for the establishment of patient safety education courses in the school of pharmacy is very high.

서 론(Introduction)

연구 방법(Research Methods)

결 과(Results)

고 찰(Discussion)

결 론(Conclusion)

감사의 말씀(Acknowledgment)

Conflict of Interest

