최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

재일조선인의 주체적 이동과 ‘8·15’의 자기서사

Autonomous Movement of Zainichi-Korean and Self-Narrative of ‘August 15’ - Focused on Summer in 1945 by Kim, Seok-Beom

DOI : 10.35647/kjna.2020.38.123
  • 54

This paper focused on the autonomous movement and floating self of Kim, Tae-Jo, the protagonist of a serial novel titled “Summer in 1945,” written by a Zainichi(在日) Korean author named Kim, Seok-Beom. The aim was to capture the question thrown out to readers through this representation and self-narrative. First, the ‘mother country’ to Kim, Tae-Jo would have been the Japanese Empire in Boots. However, the author derived a thinking process for the quaternity of mother country, Korea, Korean language, and Korean people through the experience of meeting the ‘nature of hometown’ called ‘Korean language.’ In Hometown, Kim, Tae-Jo showed a defense mechanism of using the Japanese language and describing himself as a Japanese person, which formed a crack in the quaternity concept. Also, the protagonist was pointed out as a figure who regards the embodiment of the quaternity to be the most important proposition while objectifying his floating self and repeating self-questioning.Next, Wandering was analyzed by focusing on questions generated repeatedly when the protagonist conflicts with a different language called the ‘native Korean language’ in the unfamiliar world of Gangwon-do where ‘the land breathings like the heat spouted by grass.’ Such questions are fundamental questions asking whether the Korean language is a single language and what the Korean language is. This paper pointed out the narrative that describes the reasoning of the protagonist, which cannot take place within the time frame of the novel. This narrative was found to be a sign that foretells Part 4 Departure. This paper contemplated on the fact that Summer in 1945 is a story that reorients the floating self while reminding the time described outside the world of the novel. Lastly, this paper paid attention to the reason of the protagonist who self-questions ceaselessly about the confrontation of the Korean language and the Japanese language and Korean people and Japanese people in Departure. Since the liberation occurred when the protagonist was in Japan, he was unable to find the significance of the ‘August 15 Liberation.’ For this reason, he had to continue asking for the meaning of the ‘August 15 Liberation.’ The embodiment of Kim, Tae-Jo, who moved autonomously from Japan back to the liberated homeland, was an intent to reexamine ‘August 15’ by placing his living body in the unfamiliar world of liberated Joseon. He wanted to face his limits constantly by pushing his floating self into reality.

本稿は、在日朝鮮人作家·金石範の連作小&#35500;『1945年夏』を、主人公· 金泰造の主&#20307;的移動と流動する自己に焦点を&#24403;て、その形象化に企&#22259;された &#35501;者への問いを捉えようとしたものである。 まず、&#65378;長靴 ちょうか&#65379;では、金泰造にとっての&#65378;祖&#22269;&#65379;は皇祖の&#22269;としての大日本帝 &#22269;であったが、&#65378;朝鮮語&#65379;という&#65378;故&#37111;の自然&#65379;に出&#20250;う移動の&#32076;&#39443;を通じて祖&#22269; =朝鮮=朝鮮語=朝鮮人という四位一&#20307;の&#35251;念が生成する思考のプロセスを 明らかにした。 次に、&#65378;故&#37111;&#65379;では、生成された四位一&#20307;の&#35251;念的な認識に齟齬をきたす日 本語と日本人としての自己という金泰造の防衛機制を導き出した。また、主人 公はその流動し&#32154;ける自己を&#23550;象化して&#65378;自問&#65379;を繰り返しつつ、四位一&#20307;の&#20307; 現を至上命題とする人物であることを&#35501;み解いた。 &#32154;いて、&#65378;彷徨&#65379;においては、主人公が江原道の&#65378;草いきれのような土地の息 吹きのする&#65379;異界で&#65378;土着の朝鮮語&#65379;という異言語に出&#20250;うことによって反復的に 生成される問いに焦点を&#24403;て物語を分析した。それは、朝鮮語は&#21336;一ではない のではないか、はたして朝鮮語とは何かという根本的な問いである。さらに、物語現在では考えられないことを考える主人公の&#20869;面を描&#20889;する語りをとりあげ、そ れは第四部&#65378;出&#30330;&#65379;を予告する前兆であることや、『1945年夏』は物語世界外か ら物語られる時間を想起し、流動し&#32154;ける自己を定位し直す構造からなる物語 であることを示した。 最後に、&#65378;出&#30330;&#65379;を中心に、自己における朝鮮語と日本語、朝鮮人と日本 人とのせめぎ合いに&#23550;し、&#65378;自問&#65379;し&#32154;ける主人公の&#20869;的思考に注目し、日本 で<8·15>を迎えた金泰造にとって、&#65378;8·15解放&#65379;は依然としてその意味を定位 することができない出&#26469;事であり、それ故に彼は&#65378;8·15解放&#65379;の&#20869;&#23455;を事後的に 問い&#32154;けているということを捉えた。また、再び日本から解放された祖&#22269;へと主 &#20307;的に移動することを描いたのは、解放された朝鮮という異界に生身の&#20307;を置い て<8·15>を捉え直すためであり、その現&#23455;に流動し&#32154;ける自己を追いやること で、現在の自己の限界に絶えず向き合うためであることを示した。

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 장소로서 재인식되는 ‘조선어’ - &#65378;장화&#65379;

Ⅲ. 방어기제로써 소생하는 일본어와 일본인으로서의 자기 - &#65378;고향&#65379;

Ⅳ. 생성된 물음의 반복과 자기서사 - &#65378;방황&#65379;

Ⅴ. ‘8·15’를 되묻는 것의 의미 - &#65378;출발&#65379;

Ⅵ. 맺음말
