This study aimed to explore the possibility of implementing dynamic assessments using DIBELS (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Literacy Skills) in English classes. It examined the relationships between the reading fluency of the elementary fifth-grade students and their DIBELS scores. Participants were 29 students who took the grade 1-2 tests. The main findings of this study were as follows: First, the participants’ overall scores were above the first-grade benchmark. Also, the tests were able to measure EFL students’ reading fluency by discriminating the phases of alphabetic development with an accuracy of 96.6%. Second, the composite and almost all sub-test scores of the participants showed a high correlation. Furthermore, the composite score explained 80.6% of the participants’ reading fluency. It supports the claim that DIBELS can represent the overall reading fluency of EFL students. Since dynamic assessments can be conducted as a form of curriculum-based measurement, it is preferable to apply them to elementary students in the early stages of reading development. In particular, DIBELS can be conducted several times per year to measure the degree of weakness in students’ reading fluency. Therefore, dynamic assessments will help students who fall behind at a basic reading ability level.
I. Introduction
II. Literature Review
III. Methods
IV. Results
V. Conclusion