This study examines consumer’s perception of and willingness to pay for amenity provision function of agriculture in Korea. For the economic valuation of ‘amenity provision function of agriculture’, a non-market good, we reviewed and reclassified the definition of amenity presented in the previous research, and defined ‘amenity’ and ‘amenity provision function of agriculture. We surveyed 500 consumers and found that 82.3% of respondents perceive that amenity provision function is worth maintaining. We also surveyed the willingness-to-pay(WTP) for maintaining and conserving amenity provision function using a multi-alternative question method with the departure tax. 68.8% of the people surveyed said that they are willingness pay additional taxes to maintain amenity provision function. The results show that the consumers would pay 41.22%(4,122 Korean Won) in addition to the current departure tax. The total amounts of WTP for maintaining amenity provision function calculated are 2,128 billion Korean won.
Ⅰ. 서 론
Ⅱ. 농업 어메니티 제공기능의 정의
Ⅲ. 연구방법
Ⅳ. 분석결과
Ⅴ. 요약 및 결론