남북경제공동체 형성을 위한 평화경제협력지대 추진 전략
A Study on the Peace Economic Cooperation Area for Economic community between South and North Korea
- 고려대학교 공공정책연구소
- Journal of North Korea Studies Journal of North Korea Studies
- Vol.6 No.1
- : KCI등재후보
- 2020.06
- 69 - 101 (33 pages)
Throughout the serial summit meetings between South-North Korea and North Korea-U.S in 2018, a peaceful atmosphere in the Korean peninsula was expected. Although the South Korean government puts an effort to operate the ‘Peace Process’ by playing the ‘negotiator’ and ‘Initiator,’ after Hanoi Summit, North Korea-U.S relationship has been in deadlock. In this circumstance, it prospects that economic sanctions against North Korea will not be removed quickly. Therefore, we have to contrive a viable economic cooperation strategy within a hostile environment. The economic cooperation within the current economic sanction is limited. Although economic cooperation in the DMZ and border area has been suggested, it lost the validity in a changed political environment. Therefore, this study proposes the ‘Peace Economic Cooperation Area’ as a new economic cooperation model. The sustainable and future-oriented complex ‘Peace Economic Cooperation Area’ aims to establish an advanced base for the South-North Korean economic community. It also seeks an international special economic zone by including ecology, high-tech industry, foreign trade, travel, etc. The peace economy and market integration will be available by the ‘Peace Economic Cooperation Area.’
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 평화지대에 관한 논의의 경과
Ⅲ. 평화경제협력지대 비전과 목표
Ⅳ. 평화경제협력지대 구상과 단계별 추진전략
Ⅴ. 결론