최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

영어 more and more A/A-er and A-er 구문과 분산형태론에 대한 소고

A Note on the More and More A/A-er and A-er Construction in English and Distributed Morphology

  • 5

This article presents a Distributed Morphology analysis of the two anisomorphic constructions of comparative repetition in English, more and more A and A-er and A-er. The two structures mean “increasingly more A” but are different in form depending on the phonological form of the positive adjective bases. A short cross-linguistic survey of “increasingly more A” suggests that these constructions are based on the same syntactico-semantic structure comparable to ‘increasingly more A’. Based on this idea, the present article proposes a late vocabulary insertion analysis coherently deriving the two comparative repetition structures morphophonologically. It shows that the proposed analysis is superior to a lexicalist view and to a syntactic analysis (employing overt head movement of the A head) adhering to the surface morphosyntactic structure.

1. 서론

2. 영어 “점점 더 A” 구문의 기존 분석과 문제점

3. 여러 언어의 “점점 더 A” 구문과 그 통사의미구조

4. 영어 비교급형태 반복 “점점 더 A” 구조의 분산형태론적 분석

5. 논의와 결론
