We claim in this paper that null arguments are a pronoun linked to a topic in their minimal CP domain. This claim is basically a unification of the following three existing proposals accounting for null argument phenomena: flexible null topic analysis that null arguments are bound by a flexible topic, pro analysis that they are a pronoun, and a proposal that pronouns are linked to CP edge. We show that this unified analysis nicely deals with distribution and interpretation of null arguments in Korean.
1. 서론
2. 대명사와 CP
3. 유연 영 주제어 분석, 그리고 영 논항과 주제어
4. 핵어 명사류 영 논항
5. 유연 영 주제어 분석과 pro 분석의 통합
6. 연결(linking)인가 이동(movement)인가?
7. 요약 및 결론