최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널


A Brief Description of the Systematization and Evolution of the Privatives of the HAN Language in the Pre-historic QIN Dynasty Era

DOI : 10.14378/KACS.2020.71.71.7


Based on the nature of Bu (不)+ N structure, this paper divides the negative words in pre-Qin Chinese into two categories and five sub-categories according to the distinction of time and space, and combs the evolution of Chinese negative word system from Pre-Qin to modern Chinese. This paper also focuses on two problems: (1) whether Bu(不) + N is the negation of noun by the determiner bu(不) , and whether there is no implied verb between Bu(不) and noun, nor is the noun used flexibly as a verb; (2) there are two sources of MEIYOU(没有) in modern Chinese, first from the negative sign of noun WU(无) , then from the negative sign of verb WEI(未) . Traditionally, the negation words of pre-Qin Chinese are divided into four categories: (1) The Bu(不) category, which means simple negation. (2) The Wei(未) category, indicating a negative attitude towards the past. (3) The Fei(非) category, which conveys negation of judgment. (4) The Mo(莫) category, signifying prohibition. Such classification, though comes with a certain degree of rationality, but embraces unscientific elements. For example, the Bu(不) category as a notion of simple negation is not a scientific explanation. This paper attempts to apply the research results of negative words in modern Chinese to the study of negative words in ancient Chinese. Professor Nie Renfa聂仁发 (2001) believes that the time significance of the Bu(不) and Meiyou(没有) categories in modern Chinese is reflected in the Object(体) rather than time(时) and summarizes their differences as: Bu(不) :【+Negation】[-Realization] Or“Mei(没)“:【+Negation】[+Realization] Professor Nie”s belief is truly inspirational. Hence we pursue further, by judging from the time elements of the pre-Qin Chinese negation word system, to try to divide them into two main categories as well as five small sub-categories. We shall be deeply obliged to receive feedbacks in any forms as well as criticisms as to determine whether this classification is appropriate, correct and in particular with reference to the negation of judgment as a [-Time elements]; while the negation of the imperatives as a [+Time elements].

1. 问题的提出

2. 不+NP

3. 上古汉语的否定词系统

4. 否定词系统的演变

5. 结论与舆论
