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KCI등재 학술저널

新羅 積石木槨墓의 殉葬

Burial of the Living with the Dead at a Stone Compiled Wooden Chamber Tomb during the Silla Dynasty

DOI : 10.47735/odia.2020.26.21
  • 253

순장은 고대 사회로부터 葬制의 한 방식으로 이어져 온 중요한 문화 현상이다. 주로 가야 권역에서 순장묘가 많이 확인되었으며, 순장의 개념·순장 유형의 설정·시기별 순장 방식의 변화 등에 대한 연구가 진행되었다. 그러나 신라 권역 중에서도 특히 경주 적석목곽묘의 순장 연구는 순장묘를 설정하는 문제에서부터 많은 어려움이 있다. 이는 순장자의 안치 공간과 착장유물을 통해 순장 여부를 판별해 온 전통적인 방법론으로 접근하기에는 적석목곽묘라는 묘제의 구조적 특징이 아직 제대로 파악되지 못하였기 때문이다. 이에 본고에서는 적석목곽묘 순장 연구의 현황과 과제를 이해하고 적석목곽묘의 매장시설에 대한 구조 복원을 통해 적석목곽묘의 순장 양상을 추정하였다. 그 결과, 적석목곽묘의 순장 유형은 크게 槨上殉葬, 壇上殉葬, 槨上+壇上殉葬의 세 가지로 확인되었다. 그간의 인식과는 달리 관내 순장의 모습은 전혀 상정할 수가 없었으며, 그 부근에서 확인된 순장자 관련 유물들은 모두 목곽 위에서 떨어진 것으로 판단된다. 한편, 이러한 각각의 순장 유형은 피장자의 위계를 그대로 반영하였다. 순장자를 위한 수직·수평적 매장 공간의 확대가 그 근거이며, 이와 함께 목곽의 규모, 출토유물의 양과 질, 봉분의 규모 등이 순장묘의 위계를 뒷받침해주고 있다. 이렇듯 순장묘 간의 뚜렷한 위계가 확인되었는데, 최소 1인을 순장한 것으로 추론한 槨上 순장묘의 경우, 적석목곽묘 전체 내에서도 위계가 그렇게 높지 않다는 점이 주목된다. 봉분의 규모나 출토유물의 양과 질로 보아 최소 왕경 내 귀족의 무덤으로 상정할 수 있는데, 경주 적석목곽묘 축조사회 내 순장묘의 범위가 상당히 넓었음을 알 수 있다. 마지막으로 지증왕 3년(502) 王令에 의해 순장금지가 실시된 이후에 순장 문화가 일시에 소멸한 것인지, 이전에 비해 축소된 형태로 상당 기간 존속한 것인지 현재로선 단정하기 어렵다. 다만, 이 무렵을 전후로 목곽과 봉분 규모의 축소, 부곽의 소멸 등 장례 규모의 축소화, 간소화 경향이 뚜렷해지는데, 순장금지령 역시 이러한 흐름과 연동하는 것으로 이해할 수 있다.

Burial of the living with the dead is an important cultural phenomenon that continued from the ancient society as a form of funeral system. Tombs for the burial of the living with the dead were confirmed extensively mostly in the Gaya territory and numerous studies have been conducted on the concepts and setting of the types of the burial of the living with the dead, and the changes in the formats of the burial of the living with the dead for each of the era in the history, etc. However, there are many difficulties in pursuing studies on the burial of the living with the dead in the stone compiled wooden chamber tomb in the Silla territory, in Gyeongju in particular, including the issue of determining the tombs for the burial of the living with the dead. This is because the structural characteristics of the burial system of the stone compiled wooden chamber tomb have not been assessed sufficiently and properly to enable the approach to the burial of the living with the dead in Silla territory by using the traditional methodology of determining whether the living had been buried with the dead through the examination of the space in which the living person buried with the dead has been placed in and the artifacts left with such a person. Accordingly, in this study, the aspects of the burial of the living with the dead in the tomb with chamber mounted by stone were presumed through the understanding of the current status and the tasks of the research on the tomb with chamber mounted by stone burial of the living with the dead, and restoration of the structure of the burial facility for the tomb with chamber mounted by stone. As the result, it was confirmed that the types of the burial of the living with the dead in the tomb with coffin mounted by stone could be classified largely into 3 categories, namely, chamber, platform and chamber+platform burials of the living with the dead. Unlike the perception thus far, it was not possible to present the images of the burial of the living with the dead within the district at all and it is determined that all the relics confirmed to be related to the living person buried with the dead in the surrounding area have fallen on top of the wooden chamber. Meanwhile, such type of each of these burials of the living with the dead exactly reflected the hierarchy of the dead buried. Expansion of the vertical and horizontal burial space for the living person buried with the dead is the evidence of such illustration of the hierarchy of the tomb for the burial of the living with the dead, which is further supported by the scale of the wooden chamber, quantity and quality of the relics excavated, and the scale of the burial mound, etc. As such, a clear hierarchy among the tombs for burial of the living with the dead was confirmed in this manner. In the case of chamber tomb for burial of the living with the dead presumed to have buried at least 1 living person, it should be noted that its hierarchy among all the tombs with chambers mounted by stones is not that high. Based on the scale of the burial mound and the quantity and quality of the relics excavated, it can be presumed to be a tomb of an aristocrat within the capital city at the least. This indicates that the range of the tomb for burial of the living with the dead within the society for the construction of stone compiled wooden chamber tomb in Gyeongju was quite wide. Lastly, it is currently not possible to conclude whether the culture for the burial of the living with the dead was abolished at once or sustained for substantial period of time in a reduced extent for in comparison to the past following the implementation of the prohibition of burial of the living with the dead by the order of the king in the 3rdyear of the reign of King Gijeung(502AD).

Ⅰ. 序論

Ⅱ. 積石木槨墓 殉葬의 諸問題

Ⅲ. 積石木槨墓의 殉葬類型과 位階

Ⅳ. 結論
