블록체인 기술 기반의 주주총회 전자투표에 관한 연구
A Study of Blockchain Technology-based Electronic Voting in Shareholders’ Meeting
- 한국IT서비스학회
- 한국IT서비스학회지
- 한국IT서비스학회지 제19권 제3호
- : KCI등재
- 2020.06
- 101 - 115 (15 pages)
Electronic voting is one of information technology service to handle a wide range of functions, including registration, certification, input and results of voting, using electronic technology, depending on the degree of automation. It helps voters exercise their voting rights not only for individual suffrage but also for major corporate decisions as shareholders by expressing their opinions regardless of geographical and time constraints. Such electronic voting helps open and expand voting participation, but on the contrary, it is possible to identify who voted and what kind of vote, such voting cannot guarantee confidentiality. Therefore, if blockchain technology is applied to electronic voting, it can increase the speed of processing and confidentiality by encrypting voting information. In this regard, the study aims to identify institutional issues on how electronic voting can be activated at a company s shareholders meeting, and to find ways to overcome the limitations of existing electronic voting by utilizing the technical characteristics of blockchain. This study proposes a consortium-type blockchain-based electronic voting system to enhance the convenience and reliability of electronic voting for shareholders meetings. In addition, this paper suggests how to enhance shareholders profits through electronic voting at shareholders meetings, as well as its policy measures and future improvements.
1. 서 론
2. 문헌연구
3. 주주총회의 전자투표 정책 방향
4. 결 론