Lately, one of the most representative phases on business world is the diffusion of internet business. This change has been making new port business model called ‘e-Port’ in maritime transport. The focus of this article is to suggest some strategies on the implementation of e-Port in Korea. To research and analyze the e-Port realities, we first reviewed the previous study on Internet Marketing and e-Business. Six strategies that are critical on e-Port model were classified: (1) contents, (2) community, (3) commerce, (4) connection, (5) communication, (6) customization. Secondly, we chose and evaluated website of eight ports: Hongkong, Singapore, Antwerp, Hamburg, as successful e-port models. And then, we investigated actual conditions of e-Port in Pusan, Inchon, Kwangwang, and Gusan. And then we try to find effective plan on the operation of e-Port.
Ⅰ. 序論
Ⅱ. 槪念的 프레임워크
Ⅲ. 主要港灣의 e-Port 具現實態
Ⅳ. 우리나라 港灣의 e-Port 具現戰略
Ⅴ. 要約 및 結論