최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

전자상거래 확산과 비즈니스 서비스 산업 활성화 방안

Expansion of e-business Transaction and Its Effective Vitalizations Strategy

Global economy these days is characterized with an unlimited competition due to Globalization and Information Age. Expansion of E-business accelerates informationized and globalized society and also intensifies market competition. As a result, global economy gradually develops to knowledge-based economy, and Business Service Industry becomes essential to the production increase in the manufacturing industry as well as its high added value comes into the spotlight as one of rapidly growing business industry. Business Service Industry has not yet been academically established, however, it may be defined as the industry of which production is a mediating service in the production process rather than in the final consumption. The export of the manufacturing industry has traditionally played mainstream role in Korea where economic development has been centered on the manufacturing export. However, as with increasing emphasis on the role of service sector and highly developed industrial field in the national economy, not only the relationships between manufacturing industry and service industry becomes rapidly more involved, but also the importance of highly competitive service industry becomes emphasized in accordance with open global economy after WTO system takes off. Now it is time we come to the realization that service is in the center of national competitive power as a result of global door open in all service industry.

Ⅰ. 서론

Ⅱ. 전자상거래 확산 배경

Ⅲ. 전자 상거래와 비즈니스 서비스산업

Ⅳ. 비즈니스 서비스산업 동향

Ⅴ. 비즈니스 서비스 산업 활성화

Ⅵ. 결론

