This study attempts to find out what kind of service quality is considered important by customers in using the Internet shopping mall and suggests the way to activate the customer relationship. The findings based on empirical analysis are shown here. First, empirical analysis of the contextual factors such as gender, education, and experience levels, shows that what customers perceive as most important in the product purchase is security in terns of the payment and personal information service. The second important service quality factor perceived by customers is responsiveness, particularly the rapidity and accuracy of response to their needs and wants. The customers also considered price, quality and diversity of the product as being important. Furthermore, there is no big difference among other service quality factors. Second, in the different gender context, there is no significant difference between the genders. However, the male group shows an even distribution of factors valued in the service quality, whereas female respondents placed stronger emphases on particular aspects of service, such as security, response, reliability and product quality. Third, in the context of different education level, the payment method between graduates and non graduates has a significant difference. That is, the non graduates prefer the credit card and saving through ATM, while the graduates use dual payment method using credit card and another payment method together. Therefore, the various payment methods should be considered according to the customer type, namely graduates or non graduates. Fourth, in the context of different experience level, the result of the empirical analysis of the factors of the service quality shows no great difference between experienced and inexperienced customers. Both types of customer perceive security as the most important. To sum up, the service quality perceived by the customers of Internet shopping malls is empirically analyzed in different contexts such as gender, education, and experience. Then, the device for the customer relationship activation is suggested. It can be utilized as a guideline for the continuing diffusion of the Internet shopping mall, giving it a competitive advantage against other companies.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 이론적 고찰
Ⅲ. 연구설계
Ⅳ. 실증분석
Ⅴ. 결론