A large number of Chinese trade marks and domain names have been registered improperly or illegally by foreign companies or businessmen. Additionally, a large number of famous Chinese brands have vanished through joint ventures, mergers and acquisitions since foreign direct investment (FDI) came to China more than two decades ago because some Chinese managers have not been fully aware of the value of trade marks and domain names. Consequently, the number of China’s registered trade marks and famous brands does not match China’s export volume and its No. four trade status in the world. China’s enterprises have yet to realize the effects of these events. It is very important for China to protect and cultivate its own famous brands. This paper discusses Chinese companies’ neglect of the value of their trade marks and domain names, and the possible consequences. Additionally, this paper puts forward suggestions concerning the protection and cultivation of China’s famous brands.
Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. China’s Trade Marks, Domain Names and Famous Brands
Ⅲ. The Issue of Trade Mark Infringement
Ⅳ. Suggestions Concerning the Protection of Trade Marks & Domain Names & the Cultivation of Famous Brands
Ⅴ. Conclusion