In recent years, although far behind, the “e-Trade (B to G)” is propelled vigorously in Japan. But the diffusion of the “e-Trade” among companies (B to B) represented by does not meet expectation. This paper carried out the questionnaire survey to the enterprises, which adopt and examined why the diffusion is stagnated to the measures for its future spread. As a result, the top 3 adoption factors are: (1) Transaction climate, (2) Top management support, and (3) Operational improvement. In other words, it depends that top management has the will, which adopts e-trade positively among the reliable business partners and the operational performances can improve efficiently by carrying e-trade. We would like to clarify what will be crucial to spur the diffusion in the future. Based on the findings from the result, the concrete key points to promote the spread are to be indicated as follows: ①Improve the scores of “Cost” and “Competitive pressure” ②Improve the institutional factor.
Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Present state of “e-Trade” in Japan
Ⅲ. Hypothesis and Methodology
Ⅳ. Results of Analysis
Ⅴ. Conclusion and future prospects