In the 21st century, both globalization and e-Transformation trends of business in China have been in progress simultaneously and very rapidly. Due to those phenomena, there is consequently big change not only in the field of political-economy but also in the cultural trend of the world. But, despite of the importance of mutual cooperation between Korea and China, the research about Chinese cyber culture is neglected relatively. The purpose of this study is to review the cyber cultural aspect of business between two countries, and to devise proper measures for cultural cooperation not only reengineering the role of two countries but developing mutual benefit in East Asia in the era of global competition. The methodology used in this study is basically depending on theoretical study. Major findings are as follows: China has some cyber-cultural characteristics like very big size of netizen, heaven on earth of counterfeit, deepening in digital divide, etc. And Chinese traditional off-line culture has changed as the cyber culture spreaded over in cyberspace recently. But, on the other hand, cultural trends are changed to homogeneity both in nation-side which is between Korea and China and in space-side which is between online and offline culture. It is recommended that Korea and China have to endeavor to understand mutual culture, and to utilize the cyber culture in the respect of business cooperation. Consequently, two countries should effort to prepare exchange program for both netizen group, to design culture-networking system, to strengthen cyber-cultural marketing, and to make good use of both Korean Cultural Wave(said Han-Ryu) and Chinese Cultural Wave(said Hwa-Ryu).
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 중국 사이버 문화의 이해와 특성
Ⅲ. 한중 사이버 문화 협력과 비즈니스 발전방안
Ⅳ. 결론 및 제언