This is the research on the correlation between the marketing activities conducted by the companies participating in the overseas exhibitions in the exhibition and the satisfaction of the visitors. I have been able to obtain the following findings through the positive research on the satisfaction of the visitors to the overseas exhibitions. The research findings show that the external elements of the participating companies such as ‘external appearances of booths, interior facilities and the atmosphere’, ‘designs of exhibits’, ‘size of the participating companies’, and the publicity elements of the participating companies such as ‘the degree of application of mass media’, ‘prior publicity of the participating companies’, etc. among the marketing activities conducted by the participating companies in the exhibition affect the interest and repeat business deals of the visitors. The findings also show that the elements to induce the interest of the visitors such as the booth design and display of products where the participating companies may produce their unique image and the prior publicity to the visitors constitute the important elements of marketing. It has also been revealed that the visitors whose purpose of the visits are to purchase the products and to satisfy their interest in ‘the events and contents of the events affect the interest and the repeat business deals of the visitors, among the interest and repeat business deals pursuant to the characteristics of the visitors. It has also been found that the visitors who have recognized the representative brands in the exhibitions affect the interest and the repeat business deals and the visitors who have visited the exhibition several times are more satisfied than the visitors who have visited the exhibition for the first time. The comparative evaluation of the degree of importance of the marketing activities of the participating companies before the visitors’ visit to the exhibitions and the degree of satisfaction after their visit reveals degrees of satisfaction in the order of ‘the booth staff’s professional knowledge of the exhibits’, ‘foreign language proficiency and their techniques of negotiation and demonstration’, ‘designs of the exhibits (colors and packaging), ‘prior publicity of the participating companies. Such being the case, the companies participating in any of the overseas should maximize the result of their participation in the exhibition by training their staff in the products and foreign languages and through the prior publicity. It has also been found out that “the atmosphere of the booth in the exhibition such as ‘launching of new products’, ‘external appearances of the booth, layout of the interior facilities and the atmosphere and events of the participating companies affect the interest and repeat business deals of the visitors, among the factors for the satisfaction of the visitors. Therefore, it has been proven that the external factors such as the external appearances of the booth, display of the products, launching of new products and events producing the atmosphere of the booth of the participating companies among the marketing activities conducted by the participating companies, and the extent of the training of the booth staff and prior publicity are the major factors affecting the interest and repeat business deals of the visitors.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 해외전시회의 기능과 이론적 배경
Ⅲ. 연구가설의 설정
Ⅳ. 실증분석
Ⅴ. 연구의 결과
Ⅵ. 결론 및 연구의 한계