This study extensively investigated Japan’s FTA strategy and plan of FTA policy and analyzed the economic effect caused by it. In the analysis of economic effect using world economical model shows not only positive economic effect in home country but also to the foreign country. Recently, Japan’s bilateral relation with Korea and China is getting worse, not in a friendly way. Consequently Japan’s future FTA negotiation will be expected to be focused on the East-Asia region. In other words, Japan expressed assistance for the purpose of communication, stability and prosperity in the East-Asia and will seek individual economic cooperation with each East-Asia country trying to reinforce the stand of Japan. This means that Japan is trying to improve the relation with Korea and China in the other way because it cannot change the relation with Korea and China on its own. That is to say, It can be interpreted as Japan is trying to reinforce the economic cooperation with other East-Asia countries for the realization of East Asia community rather than directly negotiating with Korea or China.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 일본의 FTA정책과 진행상황
Ⅲ. 일본의 FTA전략
Ⅳ. FTA의 경제적 효과
Ⅴ. 결론